
Theme Evening - March 18, 2025 - Coalhurst, AB, Canada

What: Theme Evening
When: March 18, 2025, 7:30 PM
Where: Calvin Christian School, 100036 Range Road 232 (Westview Rd) Coalhurst, AB
Who: Andrew Boitchenko (video message), Henk Jan van Schothorst, Riekelt Pasterkamp
Entrance: Entrance is free, but a contribution to cover the costs by donating would be appreciated.

Registration via email would be welcome:

Please, mention date and location and the names of registrants.

Providing a Christian answer to turn the secular tide

Hosted by Christian Council International (CCI)
Presented by Founder : Henk Jan Van Schothorst

We at Christian Council International are thankful that we were invited to share with you how CCI tries to provide a Christian answer to turn the secular tide. CCI researches global policies that affect life, family and freedom and work with allies to influence and advise policy makers at international organizations and member states. We hope to alert you as brothers and sisters on the systematic and organized attack against Christian norms worldwide by shady global policy making, what CCI does and achieve in defending Judeo-Christian values, and how people can help or support if they want.

Your contribution is essential to the success of our mission. We depend on the support of donors to cover the costs of the event and to sustain our cause. Kindly consider donating by visiting

Additionally, there will be an opportunity to donate in person on the evening of the event.

You can also sign up for the organization’s newsletter at


Life Family Freedom CCI