A Christian answer to turn the secular tide.
Christian Council International defends, advances and protects life, family and freedom at international organizations and member states from a Christian perspective.
- By using the powers provided by CCI’s Consultative Status at the UN and EU, as well as high-level access in Africa and the US, to protect Christian values and freedoms and national sovereignty.
- By mobilizing an international network, such as from governments, NGOs, parliaments, churches, schools and media, to protect and defend life, family and freedom to policy makers.
CCI’s main activities across the different project locations:
- Permanent monitoring of agendas and day-to-day affairs of important and decision-making meetings.
- Equipping like-minded delegates, stakeholders and politicians with insights on matters of concern.
- Participating in meetings by presenting oral or written statements and proposing amendments.
- Organizing strategic side-events and awareness-raising conferences on researched concerning policies.
- Organizing regular online planning sessions to develop joint intervention strategies with key allies.
- Supporting politically persecuted states and Christians (e.g. Hungary, Päivi Räsänen).
- Maintaining strong partnership relations with likeminded policy influencers.
- Informing interested groups from the support base, students, businesspeople and media.
Key policy focus areas:
Dangerous policy key words threatening life, family and freedom:
- Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) - sexualizing children
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) - abortion rights
- Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity (SOGI) - LGBT promotion
- Global Governance - unaccountable power concentration vs national sovereignty
- National Sovereignty secured
- Norm of male - female creation order maintained
- Defense of fundamental freedom supported
Expected Results
- Harmful policies / treaties blocked or amended in favor of life, family and freedom.
- A high-level international policy network established and effective in influencing policy at the US, Canada, UN, EU, and ACP level.
1. Project North-America
With our presence in Washington DC (and potentially Ottawa), CCI is strategically positioned to work with governments and like-minded organizations on life, family and freedom issues from a Christian perspective. At the international level, from here our influence is spread to the Organization of American States and their 35 member states from Latin America, the Carribbean and North America.
2. Project UN Geneva
Geneva stands at the core of many international organizations. With our presence here, CCI focuses on the Christian voice and legal advocacy within the United Nations Human Rights Council, the various treaty organizations, the World Health Organization and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. By oral and written input and offering our Christian guidance and research, we strengthen and protect countries from a secular agenda in resolutions and treaties and defend Christian values in international policy.
3. Project UN New York
Our presence in New York focuses on the General Assembly, Economic and Social Council, Commissions and other United Nations entities. With our consultative status since 2016, our mission is to preserve the male-female order of creation, defend classical freedoms and secure national sovereignty. Through cooperation, participation in meetings and legal research, our Christian voice is amplified to reform treaties, resolutions and international policies that undermine life, family and freedom.
4. Project Europe
Through our accreditation and presence at the European Parliament, our office aims to bring a Christian voice and alternative to the European Union bodies in Brussels and Strasbourg. We do this, among other things, by advising parliamentarians and drawing their attention to dangers in the areas of life, family and freedom. We also monitor the agendas of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights in Vienna and are actively present at important meetings.
5. Project Africa
Our presence in strategically located Nairobi, Kenya, broadens the voice for life, family and freedom in Africa. From here we focus on national leaders and public policy makers. We also monitor, among others, the agendas of the African Union (Ethiopia), the Pan-African Parliament (South-Africa), the UN (Kenya) and the Organization of African (48), Caribbean (16) and Pacific (15) states. We try to prevent the export and implementation of secular policies from the UN and the West across the continent.
6. Office Netherlands
Our head office is located in Bodegraven in South Holland, where it all started in 2013, close to the Dutch government center The Hague. It provides an ideal base for coordinating our advocacy efforts around the world. We also work from here on fundraising, communication with our support base and all other general administration, including for our two other branches in the US and Canada.