
He, she or X - Standing up for Life, Family and Freedom worldwide right now

20 May 2021
Is your child a boy or girl at birth? That is not clear according to radical forces at the United Nations. They believe that it is not your biological anatomy that determines one’s sex – instead it is how you feel. According to them, everyone should be taught that there is a wide variety of sexual orientations and gender identities to choose from. This is the focus of the Human Rights Council which will meet soon in Geneva and later New York.

Watch the video "The War on Children" here, which reveals the most controversial and harmful components of comprehensive sex education (CSE) programs. (With permission from, TCC/CCI has subtitled the film in Dutch).

Whoever dares to speak against this distortion of the Creation is called a perpetrator of hate and their opponents are considered victims. Speaking up will result in being placed on a “black” list.
Anti-discrimination must reign worldwide as a super fundamental right over religious and educational freedom. If that succeeds, our freedom is over and parental authority is in serious danger. We must stand up against this, at the source! (Transatlantic) Christian Council International (TCC-NL and sister CCI-USA) is doing just that. Will you join us?

With your gift we can:

  • Defend and promote our input in Geneva and in New York.
  • Respect every life and stop gender ideology worldwide.
  • Be your voice for life, family and freedom with international organizations and member states.

Our input lies in the recognition of the inherent dignity of every human being as an image-bearer of God that respects the right of every individual to live in freedom, as far as practicable.

Worldwide, Biblical standards for life, family and freedoms are under intense pressure. Mostly rich ‘Western’ countries and organizations try to impose acceptance of highly controversial issues such as abortion, gender and sexual rights. They see this as an enforceable human right and treat poorer member countries as if they are not free to decide for themselves. Hidden from view, this bitter struggle is taking place in our work fields. We have a voice there!

TCC/CCI, as a non-subsidized non-profit, has already succeeded several times in excluding these matters from final resolutions, such as in March and April in New York and with our consultant to the African Union. But more people and resources are absolutely needed to fight this fight and leverage our expanded capabilities.

Therefore, we ask for your prayers and financial support as we launch the 3-year TCC/CCI project 2021-2023:

'Free, Brave'

For permanent monitoring, control and participation in international organizations, as a competent and officially accredited NGO with the UN, EU, AU, OSCE and with member states such as the US and worldwide.