
Network Meeting - Objective and Work TCC and Book Launch Todd Huizinga

8 June 2016
Nieuwspoort Den Haag
Wednesday, June 8, 2016 - 18:30 to 21:30

Europe is an hot item today. Is the post-Christian EU-project crumbling, or does it prefigure a future system of global governance and an ever looser commitment to democratic sovereignty? Is the EU as a supranational organization on a collision course, in principle, with the US as a strong nation state? In session 2 of this event Todd Huizinga will present his book: ‘The New Totalitarian Temptation – Global Governance and the Crisis of Democracy in Europe’. Todd is a former American diplomat, seasoned with personal and professional European experience, and co-founder of TCC.

SGP Member of Parliament and spokesman on Europe Roelof Bisschop will receive the first copy in the Netherlands at the end of session 1 (which will be in Dutch). This session starts with a presentation of objectives and activities of TCC toward the development of a transatlantic network of Christians and likeminded people involved in public life, seeking to influence public policy at the level of governments and international organizations from a Christian perspective, with special focus on issues such as life, family and freedom. You are welcome and we look forward to your input.

Date: JUNE 8

Session 1: 18:30-19:45
Session 2: 20:15-21:30

Venue: NIEUWSPOORT, Lange Poten 10, Den Haag

Participation: €17,50 pp; Limited number of seats.

We believe in Freedom. Therefore TCC!

Accessibility: Nieuwspoort (Room Wandelganger 1) is located next to Binnenhof, the Dutch Parliament building. Parking is possible in parking garage Plein (180 m walking). Per train well accessible, best via The Hague Central Station (750 m) but also Hollands Spoor is possible (1,4 km per tram).


Session 1 in Dutch, 18:30 - 19:45 hrs: ‘Denk mee met TCC’
voor TCC-achterban en belangstellenden

  • 18:00: Inloop en koffie
  • 18:30: Opening Session 1 
  • 18:35: Causerie over zijn tijd als diplomaat, afgesloten met de oprichting van TCC (Todd Huizinga)
  • 18:50: Introductie doelstellingen van TCC, Presentatie TCC Jaarverslag 2015, Plannen voor 2016 en verder (Henk Jan van Schothorst)
  • 19:15: Input gasten en begunstigers, ook voor supporters- en adviseursnetwerk
  • 19:30: Aanbieding van het boek van Todd Huizinga Tweede Kamer-lid en Europa woordvoerder SGP Roelof Bisschop
  • 19:30: Opmerkingen over het boek door Roelof Bisschop (confirmed)
  • 19:45: Pauze met koffie

Session 2 in English, 20:15 - 21:30 uur: ‘The New Totalitarian Temptation - Global Governance and the Crisis of Democracy in Europe’
Open for civil servants, politicians, press, diplomats, ngo's, TCC-support base and other interested people

  • 19:45:  Walk-in and coffee
  • 20:15: Opening Session 2 (Henk Jan van Schothorst)
  • 20:20: Lecture on his book (Todd Huizinga)
  • 21:00: Presentation book to ambassadors of Latvia (c) and Hungary (tbc)
  • 21:00: Remarks and reaction
  • 21:10: Q & A audience
  • 21:30: Reception
  • 22:00: End of meeting