The hawsers are off for CCI! - For Life, Family and Freedom
June 8, there will be a special business network meeting for entrepreneurs with Pete Hoekstra, the former US ambassador to NL. During a boat trip on "De Zuiderzee", while enjoying fish & chips, you can listen to presentations by Hoekstra and Henk Jan van Schothorst, Director of the Christian Council International (CCI). They will focus on current issues in the US, such as the 'right' to abortion that is at stake and what this means for us in the Netherlands. In addition, van Schothorst hopes to interest you in the necessary work of CCI. Moderator this evening is Riekelt Pasterkamp.
The evening begins at 18:30 with coffee and cake. At 21:30 "De Zuiderzee" will be back in the harbor. Berth: Burg. J. Schipperkade on Urk. Language: NL and EN; the English language will be translated. Entrance: by donation to CCI (ANBI). Free for members of the CCI business network. (Business) partners welcome!
Registration (before June 7): send an email to: info@christiancouncilinternational.org
Please include the names, email addresses and phone numbers of the person(s) you are registering.