Photos by Riekelt Pasterkamp and Mark Den Hollander
Click here for a written report
A War on Talent
The workplace in a secularized society – from a Christian perspective
Topic Description: The modern workplace involves many recent changes as a result of cultural developments that have taken place in society at large. The following topics will be touched on by Mr. Van Schothorst in the context of the business and education environments:
- Diversity
- Gender Ideologies
- Human Rights and Equality
- Cultural Relativism
- Maintenance of Judeo-Christian Values
Reception Timeline
7:30 - Appetizers served
8:00 – Speech by Mr. Pete Hoekstra
8:15 – Presentation by Mr. Henk Jan Van Schothorst
8:30 – Q & A with speakers
9:00 – Meet and Greet with panelists
Coffee and Dessert
By viewing the topics through the lens of the business environment, this panel will provide relevant information to those who might be dealing with these types of situations in their workplace. CCI will provide a presentation to show how the organization can provide support to business owners in actively seeking out policy negotiations to ensure that personal freedoms are not infringed upon, or neglected in any way.
There is no cost of attendance for this reception. Donations toward the different projects of Christian Council International would be greatly appreciated.
To sign up for this reception, please use the following QR Code or contact Mark den Hollander by email mdenhollander@christiancouncilinternational.org. Reservation deadline – June 17, 2022.