
Democracy in America is at stake.

20 August 2020
In the program Speakers on Radio 1 Henk Jan van Schothorst responds to the proposition: Democracy in America is at stake.
August 20, 2020

The fragment starts at about minute 11:45


  • Henk Jan van Schothorst, good morning, from Transatlantic Council. We've had you on the air before, as a big fan of Donald Trump, huh? Are you still?

Well, I'm not so much a fan of people, but I look at policy and what people prepare and that actually determines my opinion.

  • What makes you a big fan of Donald Trump's policy?

I think he fits in well with many things I'm also in favor of: a strong pro-life policy, pro family, security, freedom of education and freedom of religion. I think he advocates that and implements it well.

  • It is especially the Christian agenda, actually, that appeals to you?

Yes, the Christian agenda, but also the agenda of tax cuts, law and order, those are things that appeal to me.

  • Well, this morning's thesis is: democracy in America is at stake, you see?

Well, of course, the tone of the debate there has become very sharp in recent years. Democrats and Republicans are very much at odds with each other. I don't think that that's just Trump's fault, that democracy is in jeopardy in this way. If I remember, for example, how Nancy Pelosi tore Donald Trump's speech from the State of the Union through the middle, I think, well, it's pretty much the same there. At the same time in America you have a strong system of checks and balances and a strong constitution. I don't think it's in danger in America that quickly.

  • Well, the criticism from the democratic point of view is that Trump is actually a bit foolish about democratic principles, isn't that nonsense?

Well, I'll go for the 1-1 approach then, eh. I regularly go to the American congress and when I hear the tone of the debate there, from both sides, that's something to, well, not so much to worry about, but that does need improvement. At the same time, here in the Dutch parliament, not everything is always okay between the opposition and the governing parties, so there is something everywhere.

  • In that respect, do you think the democrats are perhaps even more of a threat to democracy in America than the policy or Trump or the Republicans?

Well, I had an American school principal from New Jersey last night on the phone from a Christian school who is very concerned about Biden's victory, what that means for the freedom of education of people who want to raise their children according to their beliefs and principles. Yes, to be honest, I am worried about a possible election victory for Joe Biden as well.

  • So, democracy in America is at stake, but isn't that just Trump's policy?

No, certainly not. I've worked a lot, also in international organizations, like the UN in Geneva and New York, with diplomats from both Obama and Trump and then I have to say that I would be very worried if Biden won, for the Christian principles indeed that I advocate.

  • Yeah, okay, well, as far as you're concerned, that equals democracy, those Christian principles, right?

Yes, the freedom to execute them.

  • Thank you very much, it has become clear to me, Henk Jan van Schothorst