Kesteren, February 29, 2024
Diederik van Dijk, member of the SGP faction, received this from CCI director Henk Jan van Schothorst towards the House of Representatives. Van Dijk explained that certain bills are guided silently through the chamber. For example, the word 'mother' on the birth certificate should be replaced by 'parent', so that transgender people can register as a parent instead of a mother. He also gave the example of social freezing, the freezing of eggs so that women can become pregnant at a later time. “These are matters that have a high 'I' content; a free choice at the expense of the child”. A vigilant eye on the themes of life, family and freedom is needed not only in the House of Representatives, but also at the UN, the EU and other international institutions. This was argued by Henk Jan van Schothorst. He showed his heart when he told how he and his organization obtained accreditation with the United Nations. “It was no longer my business, but I could leave it in God's hands.” Pieter Moens, director of VGS, emphasized that we must stand up against too much government interference, such as the wish of the education inspectorate to speak to students at school privately. “We must speak out against gender ideology and raise our children ourselves.” And: “Stand firm for the order of creation.” Henk Timmer, owner of Babypark, is increasingly confronted with differently composed families that deviate from this order. It can also sometimes be seen in the range of products that they are no longer for boys or girls, but gender neutral. Timmer is still able to make his own choices here, but “this becomes difficult for a small self-employed person”. He sees the declining birth rate mainly reflected in the workforce. “There is a shortage of young people entering the business community.” The evening, which was opened and closed by Rev. Al-Chalabi, was preceded by an entrepreneurial dinner where the importance of the work of Christian Council International was underlined. “What's the problem?” van Schothorst quoted a Canadian donor. “The problem is that there are too few people in front positions where there is insufficient parliamentary control and we want to change that with your help.”