TCC provided excellent input into a consultation held by the UN in February this year, as to why consensus could not be reached at CPD meetings recently. The intervention can be viewed here.
With over 25 years’ experience of attending UN meetings I am still shocked when I listen to the rubbish propagated by so many countries. I am reminded of Romans 1:24 where “ God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts…..”
In summary the meeting last week in New York , which I followed on the internet was the Commission on Population & Development, CPD54. The subject was :
Population, food security, nutrition and sustainable development.
You would think this would be just about food production etc , but you would be wrong. There was a great push on abortion and sexual rights by Finland with 81 countries supporting this. There would have been much threatening and intimidation to get so many countries I imagine.
While I was attending the Food Summit negotiations in Rome in 1996, a lady in my Church here in Scotland said to my wife , “ Why is Peter at a Food Summit, isn’t he just anti-abortion.” My wife had to explain that hunger and food shortage can be remedied, according to the UN by aborting away all these poor children. The UN does not say these things so bluntly, but here is a sample from Finland from their statement mentioned above.
“Nutrition, food security, sustainable development and sexual and reproductive health and rights are closely related and mutually reinforcing….. Because of these interconnections, an intersectional approach is required to leave no one behind.”
To interpret the above statement let me restate it in my words. To get enough food you need sexual immorality and abortion on demand. Too little food is because there are too many poor people. Because all these issues are related to each other sexual and abortion rights are essential for getting enough food. This is a lie as population growth and economic growth are not related.
There was no outcome document last year due to COVID. The three years prior to that there was also no document as the Trump appointed people on the US delegation ensured that abortion promotion and other nasty ideas were suppressed. So the UN Secretariat, the Population Division, UNFPA and the rich countries were desperate to get a document, to make “ progress”.
The final document was not too bad, only four references to sexual and reproductive health , ten references to gender, and five references to the family. The sovereignty paragraph was good :
OP2. Also reaffirms the sovereign right of each country to implement the recommendations of
the Programme of Action or other proposals in the present resolution, consistent with national
laws and development priorities, with full respect for the various religious and ethical values
and cultural backgrounds of its people, and in conformity with universally recognized
international human rights.
After the adoption of a “consensus “document at the UN different delegations make reservation and interpretive statements. The statement by the Holy See was excellent as usual. They lamented no reference to family sensitive policies. Then went on to mention that sexual and reproductive health care etc, does not include abortion of abortifacient products Also gender was just biology, only male and female.
I have often wondered why the rich countries, at the UN, are so negative about the family. I remember one African delegate saying to me, “You Europeans must hate your parents.” Now during the recent lock down, I have been watching some good people on YouTube. One of these is Dr. Thomas Sowell. He is an African American conservative, with a Ph D in economics. In one of his quotes, he said that ultra-left-wing politicians despise the nuclear family, especially the law abiding, God fearing ones who work hard, and do not rely on government assistance. If everyone was like this, we would not need all those left-wing extremist politician who want to interfere in our lives. I thought this was a very perceptive observation by Dr. Sowell, I would recommend you watch some of his interviews.
For a more detailed report, click here.
Peter Smith
Representing at the UN