Dear reader,
Devious EU Treaty - From dictating abortion to comprehensive sexuality education, from curbing parental control to new social, gender and cultural norms and more. That is in the 20-year binding proposed treaty the 27-member European Union (EU) wants to sign with a group of 79 African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries. Still this treaty has not been signed. And that's good news! Thanks in part to the lobbying also this quarter by Christian Council International (CCI), from the Netherlands to Brussels, from Congo to Uganda. Read on in the newsletter.
Donate - This does cost a lot of money. We urgently need funds to continue and complete our work and secure past successes for Life, Family and Freedom. We are talking about a protective Christian shield for more than 1 billion people for 20 years. We would like to ask you to consider a serious donation for this achievable goal.
Global scope - More and more people are becoming aware of not only the dangerous concepts in the treaty, but also its scope. In ACP countries, but also in Europe. Because 106 (out of 193) countries are covered by this treaty, it will also mean a majority in decisions in the United Nations (UN), guiding all countries in the world. Will this soon make abortion an international human right? Or sexual orientation and gender identity an international non-discrimination category?
Civilization at stake - Our civilization is at stake. Christian standards like protectability of Life, the natural Family and the created reality of man and woman and Freedom of Education and Religion are under serious attack. Only with your support can we fight to preserve Christian foundations.
Hubris and intolerance - CCI was also at the annual UN meeting in New York on the Status of Women. This biological sex is what the hubristic (Western) man no longer wants to define. After all, surely modern man will define for himself what is truth and who he is or wants to be? And woe betide you if you don't accept and embrace that. Then you are not inclusive, you discriminate, you hate, you should be punished and excluded. The court case against Finnish politician Päivi Räsänen, who is being persecuted for propagating a Biblical view of the human being and world, speaks volumes about the intolerance of progressives. CCI presented her with a Certificate of Appreciation for encouragement.
Light and darkness - An African parliamentarian recently described the battleground as follows: "It became clear once again that the war between light and darkness, between progressives and faith-based groups is great and intense, and that an organization like CCI is therefore needed more than ever to support the campaign for life, family and freedom."
Easter - Against all sin and brokenness, may we look forward to Easter. Jesus, the Son of God, carried sin away on the cross and conquered death. Everyone who resorts to Him will live, from now until eternity and try to live according to God's good commandments.
Continue reading the reports of our representatives at the UN in New York and the articles of our board member in the US.
Chat with President Museveni from Uganda