Dear reader,
First of all, we would like to thank everyone who supported CCI’s work over the past year. This is encouraging as we look back on the past year with gratitude, despite the worrying developments on the world stage.
This year our country and ourselves came incredibly close to giving up a large chunk of our national and personal sovereignty. If the World Health Organization (WHO) pandemic agreement had been approved, it would have seriously undermined national sovereignty and personal health decisions and given it to an unelected, uncontrollable international bureaucracy. Our constant presence around the negotiations and being on top of them helped narrowly prevent this unprecedented globalist power grab.
Much work has been accomplished in the past quarter. In this newsletter, you will find articles, videos, and photos that highlight these efforts. We appreciate our dedicated team members, Sylvia Mesesi from Nairobi and Wilmer Hak from Geneva, for their exceptional efforts.
George Roller, Congress Pastor and board member of CCI-USA, along with his wife Linda, visited the Netherlands, Strasbourg, and Budapest. We also reflect on an insightful evening focused on the American elections. Below, you will find a live stream of the event. Now that the results are known, we hope the policies of the new government will help turn the secular tide, with the understanding that no administration is perfect. Read more about this in the article by John Van Der Brink, board member of CCI-USA. The undersigned had several opportunities around the elections to highlight CCI’s priorities in the media. (fragment 6 nov.)
Peter Smith monitored a committee session at the United Nations on our behalf. You can find his report below. In the coming quarter, we plan to introduce various young people to the field of work at the UN and the Human Rights Council through our Fellowships in New York and Geneva. As part of these Fellowships, students from Driestar-Wartburg College visited the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Read the students’ report below!
We hope that in 2025 you will continue to enable us to stand up for life, family and freedom worldwide. It now only remains for us to wish you God's blessings this Christmas and a prosperous New Year!
On behalf of the CCI team,
Henk Jan van Schothorst
Director Christian Council International
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