Dear reader,
Over the past quarter, we can look back on matters of concern, but there are also many reasons for gratitude.
New employees
Thanks to your support, it was possible to hire two new staff members as of May 1: Wilmer Hak as policy officer for the UN in Geneva and Sylvia Mesesi as intern for the African network. Please read more about them later in the newsletter. They were almost immediately involved in a worrisome development: the pandemic treaty and binding WHO guidelines that threaten to limit our freedom of choice around vaccination, among other things.
Päivi Räsänen
In early May, at the invitation of CCI, Päivi Räsänen came to the Netherlands with her husband to share her story with us. She is being persecuted because of her expressed Biblical views on marriage. Shortly before she came to the Netherlands, she was told that the Finnish Supreme Court will hear her case, even though she has already been acquitted twice. The video below gives a brief impression of the evening we had with her in Gouda.
And on
'The European Conservative' magazine had an interview with yours truly about the work of CCI. You can also read in the newsletter Peter Smith's report on the Committee on Population & Development in New York, which he attended in late April. Our board member John Van Der Brink gives us his insight on affirmative action in the U.S. which is completely pervasive.
We have also been active in Africa, Rome, Hungary, Geneva and before the European Parliament. We are grateful that Bert-Jan Ruissen of the SGP may continue his work there. In this we wish him God's indispensable blessing.
In the coming period we hope to work on the establishment, next to the existing one in the US, of an entity of CCI in Canada, where we met great support and interest in CCI's work.
Call for support
Expanding our team and implementing our goals worldwide, also brings with it financial responsibilities. We hope that you can continue to support us to make a Christian voice for Life, Family and Freedom (of religion and education) heard.
On behalf of the CCI team,
Henk Jan van Schothorst
Director Christian Council International