
Newsletter September 2024

30 September 2024

Dear reader,

Office opened in Geneva

Thanks to your support, it was possible for Wilmer Hak, our Geneva Policy Officer, to take up his position in Geneva as of September this year. This fills us with great gratitude. Living- and office space were provided, and Wilmer has now been able to settle in. Read his article on how CCI's work is progressing there. We hope that your financial support will continue so that the Geneva post can be sustained.


Over the past quarter, CCI has been at the forefront of organizing high-level meetings related to the World Health Organization (WHO). Currently, the WHO is trying to implement mandatory measures rather than providing advisory guidance on international diseases. You can find information about the implications here and the role of CCI in this issue can be found in the article written by Sylvia, our Africa policy officer.

Summit of the Future

Getting an opportunity to speak at an international forum is tough for organizations. It was therefore special that the CCI could make a statement during an informal consultation on the 'Summit of the Future' through Sylvia. You can watch the video in the newsletter.

What's at stake in America and set-up CCI Canada

At the invitation of Falk Panel from Walker, Michigan, I was able to attend a rally there where Donald Trump spoke. Issues important to CCI came up, such as keeping men out of women's sports (creation order). In the article from our US board member, John Van Der Brink, you can read about the importance of the upcoming US elections on November 5 and their outcome.
The trip to the US could be combined with appointments in Canada to set up a branch of CCI in that country. To be continued.


Various activities were also carried out in Europe, including a visit to the European Parliament to brief MEPs, including Bert-Jan Ruissen, on the events related to the WHO. All this and more in this newsletter.

Translation booklet Niilo and Päivi Räsänen

With permission of Niilo and Päivi Räsänen, CCI was allowed to translate their booklet 'What about Marriage' into Dutch. It will be released mid-October and will be presented at the Family Days in Gorinchem. Order the booklet here.

Upcoming events

We invite you in the Netherlands to a theme evening on the US elections on D.V. Oct. 24 in Bodegraven. George Roller, congressional pastor and undersigned hopes to speak here.
In Canada, you are invited to a theme evening on the WHO power grab and how CCI is making the case against world governance on D.V. Oct. 10 in Chilliwack, BC, Oct. 15 in Coalhurst, AB and Oct. 16 in Coaldale, AB. See also:

Dependence on our God

We acknowledge that all our work is dependent on our God. Therefore, we request your prayers for the progress and "success" of our work.


On behalf of the CCI team,

Henk Jan van Schothorst
Director Christian Council International

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