AD, 2 november 2020:
If Biden wins, I can’t be proud of America anymore.
With regards to my American flag tie: “If Biden wins, I put it off. I put it off.”
His policy is so far away from me, that I can no longer be proud of it.
I’m Henk Jan van Schothorst, 53, and have 6 kids.
Why I think the US is such a nice and good country: In one word I think: FREEDOM.
When I was 20 I worked in cheese and earned money for a travel to the US, I bought a nice Oldsmobile, and drove all over America, there a pic of the car, it were good old times.
I found it fascinating how elections were conducted. I loved the conservative message of for example Ronald Reagan, excellent, pro-life!
In the meantime we have had eight years of Obama, I thought this was a tragedy in the sense of his policies, as a person he might be very friendly. But he was a very activistic progressive President, who brought much on a track, from which I think: NO, that’s exactly the wrong direction!
And Trump was a correction on that.
I think it will be specifically a challenge for the left to control it’s extremist groups, and to make them accept the election outcome, if Trump wins.
If Biden wins, I think that the conservative voters in general will accept (ultimately) the outcome.
Question: And when do you plan to go to the US again?
I planned already to go there several times, also now
I hope that it is possible in January, than I have an appointment in Washington DC.
Question: In January: How does then the country looks like?
‘Divided. Divided. 20 January the new President will be sworn in. We’ll have to wait and see.