Fiscal Information


Stichting Christian Council International has the tax exempt status (ANBI) in the Netherlands. Donations are therefore deductible from income or corporate tax. 
The foundation obtains its income through: private donations (persons/companies) and does not receive subsidies.

RSIN: 8524 33 979
KvK: 57090181
T: +31 6 558 38 607 

As a non-profit organization, CCI develops a transatlantic and international network of Christians and conservatives involved in public policy and influences policy from a Christian perspective. CCI speaks at international organizations such as the UN, EU, AU and OSCE and member states to stand up for a Christian voice worldwide with an extra focus on themes such as life, family and freedom (of religion and education).

Board and remuneration policy:
The Supervisory Board of CCI consists of Jan Schippers (chairman) and Johannes Luiten (treasurer) and Leonard van Schothorst (secretary). They perform their duties without pay. The member of the Board of Directors and the Administrative Assistant (0.4) are paid as employees, taking into account the BBRA salary scales. The salary of the member of the Board of Directors deviates downwards from the average salary that is common in small charity organizations.

Below you will find the financial reports, the policy plan and the sponsorship plan. For activity reports, click here.